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Fill Your Life With Beauty...

"She Stood in the Storm, and when the Wind did not Blow Her Way...

She ADJUSTED Her Sails"   

Elizabeth Edwards

   ~I came across this quote recently and immediately knew it was meant for me!  I've done some MAJOR 'Sail Adjustment' (not always gracefully) and have determined to learn how to work with the wind, instead of against it.~
   ~I've been a Registered Nurse for 20 years, but have finally had to listen to my body (and doctors) and retire from a career I'd loved for so long and one that I believed made up the majority of my soul.~  
   ~Thankfully, I learned that part of my life was just one facet of who I am, and maybe not even the biggest one!  I began tapping into the artistic side of my heart and soul; a part of me I'd stifled, partly out of necessity, partly because I was busy saving lives...everyone else's but mine.~  
   ~Browse...Muse...Repeat...often, as there will be frequent updates!~
~Lorelai Bentley~              
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